Assistance in the planning, incorporation and implementation of civil and business legal entities, including the design of the bylaws, structure of corporate governance, protection of minority rights, relations and inter-partner agreements, amongst others, until, if applicable, the dissolution and liquidation. Support and follow up in the design, elaboration and formalization of the corporate documents necessary to comply with the applicable legal provisions (among others, meeting minutes, minutes of the administration body meetings, corporate books, share certificates, or certificates of partnership).
We specialize in the design, negotiation and implementation of the agreements and instruments required to merge or acquire corporations.
Implementation of strategies for the purchase sale lease of real estate, mortgages, trust, development, subdivision, development, incorporation of condominium ownership regime, among others.
Analysis and diagnose of the legal situation of business entities, detection of risks and, if appropriate, regularization strategies, in different fields such as corporate, regulatory, real estate, intellectual property, contractual relations, compliance with tax obligations, insurances, bonds, guarantees, assets, amongst others.
Design, negotiation and closing of contracts of different nature, such as distribution, supply, toll, franchise, lease, confidentiality, commission, sale-purchase, trust, joint venture.
Challenge general regulations and administrative resolutions by administrative and judicial procedures.
Analysis of the legal and regulatory provisions in foreign investment matters and counsel for its compliance.
Detection of vulnerable activities subject to identification and notification under the law and advice to fulfill the obligations arising from the same.
Through a partnership with Correduría Pública 81 (Commercial Public Brokerage 81) of Jalisco, we complement our services with commercial public attesting which includes the formalization of all types of contracts, agreements and commercial legal acts, as well as the incorporation of commercial companies and agrarian legal entities, the formalization of meeting minutes and of its collegiate administration bodies. The commercial public attesting also includes certifications of facts, verification of signatures and certification of commercial documents.
Counseling in all contracting process in the three levels of government (Federal, State and Municipal): analysis of tender callings, assessment, award. Support and orientation in the handling of the contractual relationship during its term. Filing defense procedure and appeal.
Analysis of the government regulations applicable to our clients’ operations and the compliance thereof. Filing defense procedures against the three level of government, from the design of the strategy to its full implementation, which includes administrative appeals, administrative litigation and injunction trial (juicio de amparo under Mexican law).
Design and execution of mechanisms for the protection of assets according to the needs of each client.
Verification of the treatment and management of personal data in the operations of our clients and the implementation of the necessary measures for its proper protection in accordance with all legal provisions.
Registration and protection of copyrights and industrial property. We analyse whether or not the creation at hand is eligible for protection under the law, apply for registration, and design the contractual arrangements conclusive to protecting and exploiting those rights, including, if necessary representing our clients in court.
We are convinced of the benefits that alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, conciliation and arbitration, and the benefits they represent for the efficient resolution of conflicts, consequently we take care of advising our customers, as well as implementing and executing such methods. One of the functions of the Public Attester is to serve as mediating agent and as an arbitrator, therefore our partnership with Correduría Pública 81 (Commercial Public Brokerage 81) of the State of Jalisco, allows us to offer also such services.
As the Public Attester (Corredor Público) is an expert appraiser authorized by the law, our partnership with the Correduría Pública 81 (Commercial Public Brokerage 81) of the State of Jalisco allows us to offer valuation services to estimate, quantify and assess tangible goods and intangible goods, services, rights and obligations.
+52 (33) 3817-0024
Consultores Jurídicos González Luna, S.C. (hereafter, “GL”), with address in Avenida Américas 1536, 4th floor, Colonia Country Club, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. C.P. 44637, with telephone number (33) 3817-0024, web page:, contact e-mail:
GL pledges to handle with the most complete confidentiality the personal data provided in accordance to the legal provisions and applicable principles in matter of personal data protection Law.
GL only gathers personal data of individuals in the event of their suppliers, employees, associates, partners and clients. In each case, the following personal data is requested:
Suppliers: In the case of suppliers of products and services hired by GL, the following personal data is obtained: name; gender; address; telephone; name of Taxpayer Federal Registration; occupation; information of one or more bank accounts to receive payments from GL; and e-mail.
GL informs its suppliers that some of aforementioned data, including those of fiscal identification and those related with bank accounts, are of patrimonial and/or financial under the terms of the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals Federal Act, and its treatment is necessary for its legal relationship that binds it to GL.
Employees, associates and partners: In the particular case of employees, associates and partners of GL the obtained personal data are: name, date of birth, e-mail, telephone, address, if applicable the Taxpayer Federal Registry, number of registration before the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), data of one or more bank accounts to receive payments on behalf of GL; academic background and occupation; contact information of a direct relative; as well as any other that derives from the labor or professional relationship GL.
Under the terms of the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals Federal Act, the information related with fiscal and banking date, is or may be of patrimonial and/or financial kind, and its treatment is necessary for the development of the labor relationship and/or of services that binds them with GL.
It is possible that the gathered information, or the course of the relationship that binds it with GL, data may arise to be considered as sensitive in accordance with the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals Federal Act, such as data of labor union affiliation, which shall be used with the only end of, if applicable, of developing a labor relationship maintained with GL.
Clients: In the case of clients that have hired the services of GL, the personal data obtained are: name; address; telephone; e-mail; gender; civil status; number of Taxpayer Federal Registration; patrimonial data, including movable gods and real estate; in general all data that eventually is necessary to perform the assistance services and legal advice that implies the providing of our services.
It is important to point out that some of the gathered information, is of financial and/or patrimonial kind (such as fiscal identification data and bank accounts), and that it is possible, that in order to perform the aforementioned services, in the future it is necessary and proper to obtain, the personal data of sensitive kind, under the terms of the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals Federal Act.
Special Case of the Internet Page: When accessing and surfing the web page of GL, you can send personal data to GL to comment on related subjects or request information about our services, either if you are already a client, potential client or, if applicable, that you may want to start a commercial relationship with GL. In this case, the data that you are sending are: your name and e-mail. In the event that it is not the case of a client, a supplier, or someone that has any type of commercial or legal relationship with GL, the use of your personal data will be limited to address and answer your request and/or your comments, observing at all times the politics of protection of personal data derived from this privacy notice.
The treatment that GL will give to your personal data, shall have the purpose of making possible the integral development of the particular relationship that you have decided to engage with GL. Any treatment that GL makes of your personal data must find a justification in such general purpose. Specifically, GL shall use your personal data for the following purposes:
In the case of Suppliers: Your data will be used to perform the process of evaluation, selection and register of suppliers, receive the products or services that you offer, making possible the reciprocal obligations triggered by virtue of the commercial relationship that binds you with GL, quality analysis in your products and/or services, and any other derived from, or related directly with the purposes previously mentioned.
In the case of employees, associates and partners: Your data shall be used to comply with the reciprocal obligations triggered by virtue of the labor or professional relationship that exists between GL and Yourself, to offer the public and clients the services of assistance and legal counsel provided by GL, to perform the activities of representation and legal counsel provided by GL in favor of the clients and any other derived or directly related with the purposes previously mentioned.
In the case of Clients: Your data will be used to represent you legally and perform the services that GL was hired for, in order to make possible the reciprocal compliance with the obligations triggered in virtue of the legal relationship that binds you with GL, for the analysis of the services offered by GL, to make relevant information available to you, or for any other derived or directly related with purposes previously mentioned.
Your personal data may be transferred to a third party, as long as said transfer keeps a relationship with the purposes referred to in the previous section.
In the case of Suppliers: Your personal data may be transferred inside or outside of national territory to be treated by third parties, as long as such transfers are necessary and keep relationship with the purposes that have been informed to you. Such transfers involve, without limitation, the Treasury and Public Credit Ministry, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions, external auditors of GL, accounting advisors and suppliers of services and managing of database, clients of GL, amongst others.
In the case of employees, associates and partners: Your personal data may be transferred inside or outside the national territory to be treated by third parties, as long as said transfers are necessary and keep a relationship with the purposes that have been informed to you. Such transfers involve, without limitation, the Treasury and Public Credit Ministry, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions, external auditors of GL, accounting advisors and suppliers of services and managing of database, clients of GL, amongst others.
In the case of Clients: Your personal data may be transferred inside or outside the national territory to be treated by third parties, as long as said transfers are necessary and keep a relationship with the purposes that have been informed to you. Said transfers involve, without limitation, the Jurisdictional Courts of Labor or Arbitration inside or outside the Country, National or Foreign Governmental Authorities, the Mexican Institute of Social Security, the Treasury and Public Credit Ministry, the diverse agencies of justice procurement in penal matters, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions, external auditors of the company; accounting advisers; suppliers of services of management of data bases, amongst others.
GL adopts diverse measures of security for the safekeeping of your personal data, such as restricted access of personnel to the physical and electronic data bases, physical and electronic security systems, confidentiality compromises that are signed by all personnel of GL, contracts and agreements of confidentiality and responsibility with third parties who receive your personal data due to the necessary or related transfers with the purposes mentioned in the third section. In addition to the foregoing, in the case of partners and associates, the professional secrecy that as attorneys and professionals owe to clients, constitutes an additional guaranty of protection of personal data belonging to clients of GL.
With the purpose that you may limit the use and disclosure of your personal data, the information that, in addition to the security measures of GL, you have available the registration before the Public Registry in order to avoid publishing in charge of the Consumers Federal Attorneys Office (PROFECO) so that your data is not used to receive advertisement or promotions from companies of goods and services. For more information regarding this Registry you may enter the web page of PROFECO or contact such agency.
As for GL, you may exercise at any time your ARCO Rights, to limit the use of your personal data by GL, always in strict compliance to this privacy notice.
You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data requesting in written document addressed to the Responsible of Protection of Personal Data in the address of GL previously stated or through e-mail to the address: The sole format to exercise your ARCO Rights before GL, is available in the web page: or directly in the previously appointed address.
Within the deadlines established by the Law and in those terms, GL will inform you its answer to your request. If necessary, GL may ask you to expand or clarify the information provided through the aforementioned format, in order to be in a position to fulfill your request completely.
In the event it is considered that your right to protection of personal data has been compromised by GL, you have the right to appear to the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI) under the terms of the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties Federal Act and its Regulations, and initiate a process of protection of rights.
It is very often that Internet websites require the use of encrypted or unencrypted cookies. Cookies are data that a web server transfers to your computer for your records. Cookies are in common use in the industry for almost all websites or internet and facilitate user access and use of specific sites or specific web pages, providing information that can be used to provide specific content appropriate to their interests and for other purposes such as security and other account management functions, which may lead to track personally identifiable information.
Cookies do not cause damage to the computer and only the Internet page or website that the transfers can read them, modify or delete them. If you do not want any information collected through cookies, most browsers have simple systems that allow delete, reject automatically or directly let you choose whether to accept the transfer of cookies to your computer. Refer to your browser instructions or help screen thereof to obtain more information about these features. You should note, however, that by not accepting cookies might be difficult or impossible to access certain parts of webpages or websites, including GL (
The website or webpage of GL can use tools such as "transparent pixels", "web crawlers" or "clear gifs" (hereinafter referred to collectively as "transparent pixels") to compile statistics on the use of the website or website and response rates. Transparent pixels allow counting users who have visited the Internet site or web page, providing corporate services and help to determine the effectiveness of promotional campaigns. If emails in HTML format are used, the transparent pixels can inform the sender when the message has been opened.
GL also collects information on "references" (this is information the Web browser transmits to our web server and refers to the URL from which you access the site or website GL), "IP address" (that is a number that computers use on a network to identify the computer in question so that the information can be transmitted to it) and other "variables of such environment" (include, among other things, the domain from which you access the Internet, when access to the site, type of web browser, operating system or platform used, the Internet address or the website which refers to this site, the names of the site pages you visit and the internet address the website or visiting website below).
This information is collected for internal use by GL, for example, to increase the security of the website or webpage, identify important demographic trends, help GL deliver content that best fits their interests and, finally, to otherwise enhance your experience on the web site or web page. Information may also be shared with third parties generally, not including their identification data.
Any changes to this privacy notice or the purposes of processing of the data you have provided, you will be notified via email and/or telephone call and/or personally. Furthermore, these changes will be posted on the website of GL (
Last update: may 20th, 2014.
Request access to ARCO rights1. GENERAL PROVISIONS.
This Code constitutes an element to the integral policy of CONSUTLORES JURÍDICOS GONZALEZ LUNA, S.C., and is intended to guard the conduct of those who form part of it, establish principles and values that distinguish our actions as lawyers, in order for a conduct to prevail that respond to the needs of society and guide our performance, as well as determining the mechanisms of capacitation and diffusion in this area.
The provision of this Code are applicable to all members of CONSULTORIA JURIDICA GONZALEZ LUNA, S.C., who must observe and comply at all costs.
Likewise, this Code is a frame of reference that will allow its clients and any third party with whom CONSULOTRES JURÍDICOS GONZÁLEZ LUNA, S.C. has some relation with, knowing the principles and values that govern the actions of the members.
Compliance with applicable values and standard
It is our responsibility to know the content of this Code and use it as a guide for action and conduct.
In order to maintain and strengthen the trust of our clients and of society in general, as well as to fully comply with our mission, we be conscious of the responsibility, high expectations and satisfaction that comes with the work we develop in CONSULTORES JURÍDICOS GONZÁLEZ LUNA, S.C.
Therefore, in CONSULTORES JURÍDICOS GONZÁLEZ LUNA, S.C. we must comply in our performance with the following principles:
We conduct ourselves with rectitude, taking care of the interests of our clients as if they were their own. We respect the law, and we never advise our clients how to contravene.
We correspond to the trust that our client has placed on us; we have an absolute vocation towards our client and we satisfy the highest interests of legality and the Rule of Law over particular, personal or any other interest.
We act in accordance with pre-established plans and programs and we optimize the use and allocation of resources in the development of our activities to reach the proposed objectives.
We carry out our work in an orderly, methodical and persevering manner, with the purpose to obtain the best results in the service.
We comprehend and understand the law, regulations and other legal provisions applicable to the affairs of our clients and we keep up to date in the advances of science and technology applicable to our field of study.
We act neutrally and impartially in decision making, which in turn must be informed in strict adherence to the law and in the best interest of our client.
We fully assume before our clients the responsibility that derives from the exercise of our profession, for which we inform, explain and justify our decisions and actions, and we subject ourselves to the scrutiny of our client.
We act in accordance with a service-oriented culture of obtaining results goals, seeking at all times a better performance of our functions in order to achieve the goals according to our responsibilities and through the responsible and clear use of resources.
The following values are the guiding standards our conduct, they characterize our daily action, in accordance with high ethical standards and demonstrate our commitment we have with society.
We conduct ourselves with austerity and without ostentation, and we gran dignified and cordial treatment to people in general, and towards our colleagues, superiors and hierarchical subordinate people, considering their rights, in such way that we promote the courteous dialogue and the harmonious application of instruments that lead to understanding.
We provide our services to all people without distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference biased on the national or ethnic origin, skin color, culture, sex, gender, age, disparities, social, economical, health or legal status, religious beliefs, fiscal appearance, genetic characteristics, migratory situation, pregnancy, language, different opinion, sexual preferences, identity or political affiliation, marital status, family situation or family responsibility, among others.
Within the scope of our competence and attribution, we guarantee, that both, men and women, have access to the same conditions, possibilities and opportunities in our office.
In the development of our activities we seek to respect the environment, being the main legacy for future generation.
We collaborate with our colleagues, promoting teamwork in order to achieve the common objectives of CONSULTORES JURÍDICOS GONZÁLEZ LUNA, S.C.
We comply with the commitments we make to achieve the mission and vision of our firm, recognizing and accepting the consequences of the decisions we make, as well as the act we carry out. Similarly, we take care of the information to which we have access and act with sobriety and prudence.
We strive to exercise our profession by permanently improving the performance of the work we carry out.
Our Code of Ethics implicates our integral commitment, as we adopt this values as the essence of our way working and behaving, both inside and outside our law firm.
The people who perform a job at CONSUTLORÍA JURÍDICA GONZALEZ LUNA, S.C., must follow the following rules that will govern our conduct:
To conduct our action without ostentation and with a clear orientation to the client´s interests, in accordance with the principle and values established in this Code.
To conduct our action in accordance with the principle of confidentiality of the documentation and information that we have under our responsibility.
To attend our clients in a respectful, efficient, opportunistic, responsible, informal and in a non-discriminatory manner.
Those of us who participate in human resources and planning structure procedures at CONSULTORES JURIDICOS GONZÁLEZ LUNA, S.C., must adhere to the principles of equality and non-discrimination, competition for merit, legality, impartiality, transparency and accountability.
We must carry out our actions with dignity, without showing expressions, adopting behaviors or using inappropriate language, and refraining from committing acts of harassment or stalking, always maintaining an attitude of respect towards the people with whom we have or are obligated in the exercise of our function.
We must participate in the activities and programs in the field of safety, civil protection and the preservation of a safe environment, and inform ourselves in the way that act against a possible contingency, in order to avoid risks to our health, facilities and the environment.
The interpretation and diffusion of the Code of Ethics, will be in charge the General Manager of our firm, who must promote the continuous training of all personnel.
Proof of receipt and commitment of compliance and confidentiality
CONSULTORES JURÍDICOS GONZALEZ LUNA, S.C., will inform us and the public, the content of this Ode and will obtain proof of it, as well as your commitment to its compliance, without prejudice to the fact that it will be available for consultation on the website. Newly recruited personnel will sign this certificate upon joining our office. The compliance commitment will be periodically endorsed within the terms that the firm determines to ensure that we know, understand and comply with our Code of Ethics
Complaint line
CONSULTORES JURÍDICOS GONZÁLEZ LUNA, S.C., puts at our disposal a complaint line so that , in a responsible way, we can make any complaint or report derived form the knowledge of any behavior contrary to ethical values and rules of integrity stated in this Code, of which must be attended by the General Director.
The complaints may be filed anonymously. CONSULTORES JURÍDICOS GONZÁLEZ LUNA, S.C. will not tolerate any type of retaliation against the people that, by any means, inform them of the existence of facts or behaviors that, in the opinion of said people, could be contrary to this Code, the Code of Conduct, and therefore, those who intend to take or retaliate will be subject to investigation to establish the responsibilities that may arise in terms of the applicable provisions.
Breach of Code
Failing to comply with this Code may lead to the application of disciplinary measures or sanctions in terms of the applicable provisions. It´s responsibility of the members of CONSULTORES JURÍDICOS GONZÁLEZ LUNA, S.C. to know and understand the content of it, as well as to regularly check its updates.